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Laura Jane Atelier

I tried Joan Crawford’s Vintage Face Mask Recipe

I tried Joan Crawford's Vintage Face Mask Recipe

Joan Crawford’s Secret face mask recipe.
Starlet Joan Crawford was a Hollywood film and television actress.
While she wasn’t precisely a Pinup Queen-like Betty Grable, her fierce ambition and strong talent eventually led to her debut as a chorus girl on Broadway. This was the start of her extensive and impactful career as an American film and television actress.

For removing ordinary street makeup, I use a good cleansing cream, and I have a set of soft, medium, and heavy brushes that I plug into an electric outlet to vibrate. They work the cream into the pores and generally stimulate the skin, bringing the blood to the surface—the skin’s best nourishment. If your brushes don’t plug in it doesn’t matter. Just use elbow grease (good exercise for the arms) and you’ll get the same results. I make sure that I get at all the ears, and down to wherever my dress began… Then I quickly apply a moisture cream.”
― Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

“Treat your neck the same way you do your face. It’s a delicate area, and the first to betray age.”
― Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

“After showering I like one of the oldest concoctions in the world—rosewater and glycerin. I once asked a lovely lady in her eighties how she kept the skin of a baby, and that was what she used. I carry around little tubes of rosewater and glycerin to use on my hands EVERY TIME I WASH THEM, and I always work it up my arms and into my elbows. Women hardly ever look at their own elbows, but other people do! I pay attention to my knees and ankles, too. All the joints seem to dry out faster than the fleshy parts of the body.”
― Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

“A well-known skin specialist patronized by many famous beauties charges seventy-five dollars for a twenty-minute consultation and eight dollars for a cake of sea-mud soap. I get more satisfaction and just as much benefit out of applying a purée of apples and sour cream!

Of course, all masques should COVER THE NECK too.

Masques should only be used ones or twice a week.

While the masque is working, place pads soaked in witch hazel or boric acid over your eyelids and put on your favorite music.

A masque really works only when you’re lying down. Twenty minutes is the right length of time. Then wash the masque off gently with warm water and follow with a brisk splash of cold water to close the pores.

For a luxurious once-a-week treatment give your face a herbal steaming first by putting parsley, dill, or any other favorite herb into a pan of boiling water. (Mint is refreshing too.) Hold a towel over your head to keep the steam rising onto your face. The pores will open so that the masque can do a better job.

Here are a few “kitchen masques” that work:
Since I’m never sure what they put into those jars at the supermarket, I make my own with whole eggs, olive or peanut oil, and lemon juice (Omit the salt and pepper!). Stir this until it’s well blended, or whip up a batch in an electric blender.
PUREED VEGETABLES – cucumbers, lemons, or lettuce thickened with a little baby powder.
PUREED FRUITS – cantaloupe, bananas, or strawberries mixed to a paste with milk or sour cream or honey.
A FAMOUS OLD-FASHIONED MIXTURE of oatmeal, warm water, and a little honey blended to a paste.”

She would create a blend of unflavored gelatin beaten with witch hazel, baking soda, and one whole egg. She would let this blend soak on her face for 15 minutes, followed by a cool water rinse.

― Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

“Facial muscles can sag quickly, but there are some easy ways of keeping them toned up. Each one of the following takes just about ten seconds. You’ve got THAT much time!
1. Open your mouth as wide as you can and at the same time purse your lips as if you’re trying to whistle. Hold it for ten seconds.
2. Put your thumb and forefinger inside your mouth and try to push your fingers out–at the same time forcing your cheeks in. Hold for another count of ten.”
― Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

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