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Laura Jane Atelier

Put a Bow On It

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Dress c/o SheIn – Turban c/o Great Hair Day TurbanĀ 

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I woke up at 6:30 am on Friday to a freak accident. My bed sits under a window in my apartment, and Pinky likes to jump up into the window when the sun rises. In hindsight, it was a terrible idea leaving the bed there considering Pinky is a massive 18-pound cat with large paws and long claws. I was fast asleep and woke up suddenly to the feeling of a heavy thump on my face, followed by what felt like razor blades slicing up my face. I could tell that this way more than just a scratch so I got up to look at the damage in the bathroom. I had blood pouring down my face and tried to stop it with a cotton pad. I knew I had to get immediate medical attention, but I wasn’t sure if it was severe enough to go to the ER, so I went to the walk-in clinic as soon as they opened at 8:00 am. When I arrived at the clinic, there was a massive line out the door, which is common here since we have an enormous shortage of family doctors. Since I had blood dripping down my face and a massive slice less than a centimeter below my eye, the doctors let me go ahead of eveyone. The doctor gave me a tetanus shot and said that I have to go to a specialist because he wasn’t able to complete the surgery. I then went over to an eye specialist and took numerous tests to make sure I didn’t have any damage to my vision. Since I had to get surgery to fix my lower eyelid, they booked an appointment at a different surgical clinic for 3:00 pm that afternoon.
I was supposed to meet a friend for brunch at 10:00 am so I postponed until noon and went to meet her while I waited for my surgery. The surgery went well, and I had three stitches under my eye. I am applying a special antibiotic ointment under my eye as well as taking oral antibiotics. The scratches are looking a lot better, but I am feeling pretty drained from the antibiotics. I only have two more days of antibiotics left and get my stitches out next Friday. I am just grateful because I know the accident could have been a lot worse. I have since moved my bed to prevent this from ever happening again.



Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

Striped Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, Shein, Great Hair Day turban, 1940s style hair turban, vintage fashion, vintage dress, vintage style

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