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Laura Jane Atelier

Testing Out Vintage Ponds from the 1930s

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Hello lovelies, I have an exciting video for you where I test out vintage Ponds skincare from the 1930s. I have become obsessed with cold cream for removing my makeup and love to use Ponds every evening. Since Ponds is one of the oldest beauty brands around I thought it would be interesting to see if I can buy some vintage Ponds dead stock. I started looking online and found this beautiful new dead stock Ponds gift set from the 1930s on Etsy. I can’t believe how beautiful the packing is I am in complete awe and I love that the cold cream still works! Do you use cold cream?

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

Ponds Cold cream, Ponds Skincare, Vintage Ponds Cold Cream, 1930s makeup, testing out vintage makeup, Vintage Ponds from the 1930s, vintage makeup packaging,

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