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Laura Jane Atelier

True Romance

Shirt: Dex – Pants: Club Monaco – Sunglasses: Forever 21 – Shoes: Sam Edelman 
Necklace: Forever 21 – Bracelets: Forever 21 & Club Monaco 

Alabama: “I had to come all the way from the highway and byways of Tallahassee, Florida to MotorCity, Detroit to find my true love. If you gave me a million years to ponder, I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together. And til this day, the events that followed all still seems like a distant dream. But the dream was real and was to change our lives forever. I kept asking Clarence why our world seemed to be collapsing and things seemed to be getting so shitty. And he’d say, “that’s the way it goes, but don’t forget, it goes the other way too.” That’s the way romance is… Usually, that’s the way it goes, but every once in awhile, it goes the other way too. “

True Romance (1993)

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  1. meg

    June 24, 2014 at 6:54 am

    Beautiful print on that top! I love wearing boots in the summer for an unexpected change up. Great outfit!


  2. Nathan Moy

    June 24, 2014 at 5:00 pm

    Lovely printed top indeed hun! Glad I clicked on your comment on ATLANTIC PACIFIC’s blog and got led back here to yours. Your blog’s pics and layouts are great too, keep it up! Just followed on GFC and bloglovin’ <3 Also, I just uploaded one of my favourite summer layered looks featuring a navy/black theme with a TOGA PULLA MESH BOMBER, ALEXANADERWANG backpack, and practical-chic BIRKENSTOCKS, hope you get inspired and wonderfully #PROVOKED! #NAVYISTHENEWBLACK

    xx The Provoker

  3. Leigh Travers

    June 24, 2014 at 11:56 pm

    True Romance is one of my favourite ever films!

    Gorgeous print on that top!

    Fox & Feather

  4. Nicole Aguinaldo

    June 26, 2014 at 7:22 am

    This is really cute! I love your top! πŸ™‚

    New post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  5. Diana

    June 27, 2014 at 5:37 am

    love the outfit!
    Great blog, so I’m a new follower πŸ™‚
    would you like to follow each other?

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